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螢光閃閃音樂會Online concert
#在疫情線上相聚 #人與人的相遇 #一起聽音樂
我們創建一個擬真版本的樂活基地 Gather Town,並復刻2019年基地關閉時的場景:大門的階梯、幾張椅子、一群熱愛音樂的分享者、一群喜歡音樂的聆聽者。即使離開了基地,在空地上、在街道上、在網路上,帶著樂活精神還是有機會創造出101種可能。
We created a simulated version of the Open Living Lab in Gather Town, and replicated the scene of the base's closing back in 2019: the stairs at the gate, a few chairs, a group of music lovers sharing, and a group of music lovers listening. Even if you leave the base, you still have the opportunity to create endless possibilities with the spirit of Living Together, whether it be on an empty lot, on the street, or online.

謝謝樂來越快樂-超愛彈樂團 、 我們的村莊-村弟杰叡,還有在線上的每個夥伴們,一同參與創造和實驗的過程。