後疫情時代の社區行動Community Action Post Pandemic
#疫情下社區前線的人們 #社區互動的面紗 #轉化行動的能量
We invited three partners to share their heartwarming community actions on the issues of the elderly, families, and homelessness during the pandemic. Let's talk about what we can do together in the post-pandemic era, when the freedom of walking around freely and interaction with people is taken away from us.

The Power That Emerged in the Post-Pandemic Era
In the midst of the pandemic, even in small communities within crowded cities, people are still taking the initiative to help meet the needs of a closed-off society, building trust through cooperation.
They continue to look for a way forward in the face of challenges and difficulties in the midst of uncertainty. The Minquan Community Service Associationis accompanies the elderly in the community through the boring and depressing days of the lockdown.
The IMMA is working with a group of partners in a space to pack supplies for the homeless on the street.
The Xuefu Community Service Association is helping the elderly in a mountainous community who have difficulty moving around, solving their daily problems with food, clothing, and transportation.

英國 Penparcau種植計畫
2020年,英國Penparcau 社區發展協會發起「Penparcau 種植計畫( Penparcau Planting Project )」,將一塊社區花園,透過開放式的種植和收穫、免費種籽、舉辦活動等方式,為居民生活帶來樂趣,促成社區參與的機會,讓永續食農議題在當地紮根,並以「食物」作為一個關鍵連結,協助超市發送剩餘的食物,支持社區中脆弱家庭,甚至填補社會安全網的漏洞。
綠意滿點 飄飄小棧
在樂活基地,由進駐社群-棧戀棧練的季勳發起的「綠意滿點 飄飄小棧」行動,定期提供方便照顧的盆栽、種籽,以及從樂活小農園的落葉堆肥箱取出的有機腐植質肥土,讓社區居民可以前來免費索取。落葉堆肥箱最初僅是利用落葉、廚餘進行堆肥實驗,而2年多來堆肥箱也收成數次,慢慢地有能量可以餵哺一旁的小農園,下次漫步在樂活後院,歡迎拿些材料回家種植!