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Item transformation
#物的再生改造 #找回物的價值 #全新的物
將化腐朽為 #綠手指療癒瓶,從整理植物、花草的過程中,得到全新的體悟。
We hope that every item can find its value again through some way. We hope "reborn" items could find new owners, into the hands of those in need, thus bulding a beautiful living space where people and the environment coexist and care for each other.
Joint Recruitment, Street Team with Drifting Life
▶︎ Wood and wooden tools As a shared tool library, tools can be borrowed and used at any time, with the use of simple street furniture and community improvement actions.
▶︎ Clear glass bottles Turn waste into bottles: healing bottles with our green fingers, gaining new insights from the process of organizing plants and flowers.

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